opening day isn't only for baseball
HA It was opening day on 2 bedroom apartments as well as opening day at O's park here in the city that kills each other i was fucking freaking out this morning cause of that fucking fact of running out of Cannabis yesterday night. Its okay though I got some good ol , AFGHANI !!!! YES I KNOW it's an old school strain but my favorite.
As Y'all get to know I an I you will see, how much my Cannabis is a medicine. I am by no means going to try and point it out every time I use it or its working, I won't need to you'll see.
That dick head grand dad is playing silent treatment, for what ? I have no idea. He is a moody motherfucker that's for sure. I treasure him but Golly fucking gee he aggravates me .. He acts like a child, like a teen, Making shit up all the damn time .
I have cameras I know the deal. I went through Nans fake falls, I'll be damn if I am not going to be up on what is happening in this place, not that I didn't have the cameras at Nans, it is just how are you gonna tell someone I know you're faking falls You can not it just would be mean ya know
What y'all think a that?
I am off tomorrow too, What will I do? If I had money I could do something constructive, how ever I am more than likely going to get high and be lzy.. I am not okay with that. It's just that I have no intrest in many things besides certain druugs and things I don't have the money to do .. so what do you think that leads to. I tell my self well dummy you do pay all your bills. ( but I eat $30 in pins a weekend and buy weed, and this and that and before ya know it I am broke not just for this week but for the next 2) and I don't even smoke crack or do heroin or pain pills. just pins pot and internet!! Sad but true
Could you be this guy ?? be careful this could be your story..!!!!
But if you live by yourself while paying your bills , how wrong is this really , if you are happy...
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