after death

I been back and forth net flix hulu net flix hulu! I mean Hulu has more shit but there are things i just cannot put my fucking finger on mhy i am not happy with it. could be all the commerials. I know i can rid myself of them but it is $$$$ly
  Lot of my research comes from the documentrys and both have okay ones. ( i use the points they make a research that, as well as some of the guests to see what they are says outsside the documantry..)
  Nan my grandma that died always listened while i was explaining my theroies, you know, ta hear them aloud to see how much sence the therory made. SHE ENJOYED LISTENING !! SHE HAD TOLD ME :( 
 I miss her.some people hear my opinion or therory and interupt, while throwing there un researched thoughts into my therory...sadlly not the same as Nan, just listening.
  But i have began to organize those notes like the social reason drug users may pull away from the ones they love..
  my point here is to let y'all know that sometimes we take simple things like they are nothing at all, the thing is when you lose a person you relize how much little things shared by you and them are worth more than gold splashed tears
 Any way my friends ill write again before long..


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