ASSAD not the problem
Assad not the problem. the airfield we hit was protecting Christians.and really why wold he use chemical attacks and bring more heat on a war that is accomplishing goals . remember Isis has not a uniform they mingle with the good dyrian forces and blow them u. Assad had no reason to do this. But others did like the Saudis, as well as Israeli you know the guys that attack a ship o decade ago with no retaliation friend Syrian girl is telling you like a Syrian should not officials I feel strongly Trump isn't on the conspiracy but did what he thought was right the bigger picture is to split the middle east into regions controlled b y each ethnic group. Here is my friend Syrian girl in one of her talks to the world she is a great person just listen she makes incredible points the syrian ppl the thing is , its a black flag we know nothing but by weeding out bad reports. This girl is from syria her famiy was part of th governm...